Where Can I Buy Ghost Shrimp ?

Ghostly Grub on the Hunt


Local Fish Stores

Many local fish stores carry ghost shrimp - check their selection

2. Online Retailers

Online retailers offer ghost shrimp - research reputable sellers with good reviews


Specialty Breeders

Consider contacting specialty shrimp breeders for a wider variety of ghost shrimp.

4. Aquarium Clubs

Aquarium clubs or societies might have members who breed and sell ghost shrimp


Online Forums

Online forums or communities dedicated to the aquarium hobby can be a great resource for finding ghost shrimp.

6. Shipping Considerations

If ordering online, choose a seller with experience shipping live shrimp.


Acclimation is Key

Always properly acclimate your ghost shrimp to your aquarium to avoid stress and mortality.

8. Ghost Shrimp Care Essentials

Research ghost shrimp care needs - they require specific water parameters and hiding spots!


Ghostly Goodies

Provide a varied diet of algae wafers, blanched vegetables, and sinking flake food.

10. Tank Mates Matter

Ghost shrimp are peaceful, so avoid housing them with aggressive fish that might eat them


Ghost Shrimp Triumph

Now you know where to find ghost shrimp! Enjoy these helpful tank residents and their algae-munching ways