Hamsters can eat a mix of plant-based and protein-rich foods.
Shrimp offers a small amount of protein and some essential nutrients.
Shrimp is high in sodium and fat, which can be harmful to hamsters in large quantities.
Shrimp can be difficult for hamsters to digest and may cause digestive upset.
Whole or large pieces of shrimp can be a choking hazard for hamsters.
If you must offer shrimp, ensure it's cooked, chopped into tiny pieces, and given very rarely
There are many safe and healthy treats available for hamsters
Offer your hamster small amounts of fresh fruits and veggies for a healthy treat.
Choose commercially prepared hamster treats formulated for their specific dietary needs.
efore offering any new food to your hamster, research its safety and suitability.
Provide your hamster with a balanced diet of hamster food