How Long Do Cherry Shrimp Live ?

How Long Do These Red Beauties Live?


Tiny But Tough

Under ideal conditions, cherry shrimp can live for 1-2 years.

2. Happy Shrimp, Long Life

Providing a clean, stable tank with good water quality is crucial for a long lifespan.


Diet Diversity Matters

A varied diet of algae, blanched vegetables, and specialized flakes keeps them thriving

4. Temperature Talk

Maintain a water temperature between 68-78°F (20-26°C) for optimal cherry shrimp health


Tank Mates Matter

House cherry shrimp with peaceful fish to avoid stress and potential harm

6. Molting Magic

Don't be alarmed by molting; it's a healthy part of a shrimp's growth cycle.


Water Changes

Regular water changes help remove waste and keep the tank environment healthy for your shrimp

8. Spotting Signs of Trouble

Lethargy, discoloration, or unusual swimming patterns might indicate health issues.


Breeding Bonanza

Proper care can lead to a thriving cherry shrimp colony, adding beauty and activity to your tank.

10 .Enjoy Your Cherry Shrimp

With proper care, your vibrant cherry shrimp can bring you joy for years to come.


Bonus Slide

Lifespan can vary slightly depending on genetics and tank conditions.