Discover the fascinating journey of ghost shrimp eggs from spawn to tiny ghost shrimp
Fertilized eggs are crucial for the development of healthy baby ghost shrimp.
Fertilized eggs tend to be slightly larger and more opaque than unfertilized eggs
Fertilized eggs may appear slightly cloudy or opaque, while unfertilized eggs might be clearer.
Fertilized eggs will develop a dark eye spot within a few days, indicating a growing embryo
Unfertilized eggs can turn white and moldy, impacting water quality and harming the tank
If you see signs of unfertilized eggs, carefully remove them to maintain water quality
Fertilized eggs can take several weeks to hatch, depending on water temperature.
Learn how to ensure the survival of your newly hatched ghost shrimp fry.
Now you can identify fertilized eggs and watch your ghost shrimp colony flourish
Celebrate the miracle of life in your aquarium! Your ghost shrimp are thriving